Monday, January 17, 2011

It's not good news, but we have to face reality.

The reality of childhood sexual abuse is terrifying.  I have chosen to discuss this now because I have an  overwhelming concern for the helpless victims.  Maybe it's because of where I am now and where I have been.

As a child I felt helpless.  I had no one to talk to.  Even if I did I always had the fear that no one would believe me. I grew up thinking and believing that what happened to me was just something I had to live with.  My self esteem was shattered.  I was stuck living the rest of my life in a deep well filled with sorrow.  But now I know differently.  I want everyone to know that there is hope for healing.  If you know someone, anyone, please help them.  If you have ever suspected that you, your child, friend, sibling, significant other or anyone else has ever been sexually abused THEY PROBABLY HAVE!  Here are a few facts for you:

Fact 1.  Today, 95% of child sexual abuse can be prevented.

Fact 2.  Today, living in the U.S., there are over 39 million adults who have survived childhood sexual abuse.

Fact 3.  Today, more than 3 million children living in the U.S. are victims of sexual abuse.  Children struggling alone, believing there is no adult that can help them.
-Child Molestation Research and Prevention Institute

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