Friday, June 9, 2017

At some point you just have to let go of what you thought should happen.

Does it ever go away? The pain, the anger, the shame, the hate. No. Never. And if someone tells you differently, they are a liar. My past has ruined me. Trying to overcome it has slowly destroyed me. I call myself a survivor. But that is false. Unless you consider the fact that I'm still breathing.

Where do I go from here? I have no clue. I live in a world full of artificial promises and dreams. Manipulation. My wife and kids make me feel of worth. Loved.  Needed. Wanted. And for those reasons, I am still here. Feeling. Breathing. Writing.

My purpose has been lost in the everyday chaos of life. My hopes gradually sinking in the depths of regret. How do you preform CPR on a soul?

If I fail, he has won.

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