Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Fighting for my life

We all have our heroes right? The ones we look up to and even those we truly wish to become one day.

My hero has always been Wonder Woman. Strong, powerful woman. Destroys the evil of the universe. I remember finding out that she was just a character played by Lynda Carter. I was heartbroken. But owning a Wonder Woman cape, I was determined to still become her. I watched every episode. I watched reruns over and over. One day, she would save me from my ugly world.

Wonder Woman never happened. Jumping off the table, and falling from trees over and over, I never could figure out the flying thing.

I think she feeds me. I think she keeps me going and wanting to bring justice to so many. Always more victims. Which brings me more anger. A gun. I bought a gun. To protect my children. It use to make me feel uneasy. But now I feel powerful. I won't let anyone harm my family or any innocent child. I also bought a gun to protect myself from the people who are going to want me to disappear. More and more people are finding what horrible things happened in the Glathar homes. More victims coming forward. They will be exposed. And they will be held accountable for their heinous cowardly crimes. Watch out, Wonder Woman is coming to get you.

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